Land Ho

I searched the internet for land for sale in Arizona. There are websites that do just that. All over Arizona. The nicer the land the more expensive. You should decide how much land you want and what your budget was. These websites promote their land and make it look real nice. They do this by showing you pictures of the land for sale. Now this might be land they own for sale but maybe not your lot or acreage. I noticed from looking at different acreage bundles that I saw the same pictures here and there. So beware of that. Some of these sites will tell you this is lot whatever, 100 and when you look at their map of lots you don’t see lot 100 anywhere. You would think in this day and age they still don’t do shady deals do they? Well I would tell you tread lightly. They cover their …, themselves buy telling you to make sure you read the tons of paperwork and double check it for yourself. You better do it. They are more than happy to tell you how they are selling land here like hotcakes and you better jump at the chance now. Maps full of red push pins of sold property.

Now let me tell you about my deal. I bought 38 acres for about $25,000. I wanted to finance at first but because I hadn’t worked in about 4 months, I was unemployed. Well good luck getting a loan unless you have about $400,000 in the bank. So I paid cash and got a 7% discount. I’ll pay about that much for rushing to buy. The thing is you want to look at the land and it was a 4 hour drive, one way. So the amount of land was what I was looking for and the price was right, so I bought it. I gave the realtor $500 down. So before signing he gave me a bunch of paperwork to make sure I read before I sign…..It’s a 4 hour ride home….So I glanced through and most of it seemed pretty legit…Even that it had a HOA. Now I am 9 miles out of this small town on paved road and about another 12 miles out on dirt road to the top of a small mesa. The HOA is mainly to make sure the roads are graded and the street signs are up is what I was told. The amount was small so I thought no big deal. Then there were the mineral rights. I didn’t have them. So big deal, I wasn’t going to do any gold mining. It said that we have access to a community well. Great. I signed the papers

Great!!! I am a land owner.

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